
Throw Away That Tennis Ball: A Quick Guide To Why thePnut Is Your New Friend

by Kellan Hannah on Aug 10, 2017

Throw Away That Tennis Ball: A Quick Guide To Why thePnut Is Your New Friend

The tennis ball - what a fantastic multi-purpose tool. It has been used for decades as one of the original fidget spinners, bouncing it off floors, against walls, or both if you are an expert! It doubles as a stress ball, squeezing it to release some steam, or as a grip strengthener for your hands and forearms. Any way you slice it, the tennis ball has it uses.

Using at it as a muscle release aid… That will require a deeper dive into how it’s used and its characteristics.

I want to be clear from the start though, this isn’t intended to be a witch hunt, or for me to say whether you shouldn’t be using a tennis ball or not, but rather how you could improve your mobility or rolling routine with Pnut. So if you're hoping for an in-depth scientific debunking, this won't be one.

We have seen the tennis ball rise to popularity, as a quick-and-easy massage roller for your muscles. I've used it myself when needing a substitute for a massage and while travelling to pass the time. I personally think they are great for beginners who are not sure about self-myofascial release and taking muscle recovery in their own hands. I would place them in the category of, a gentle option when you have sore muscles that need a some relief.

Some downsides to a tennis ball are that they soften, very easily, under my back or legs when trying to get more leverage and dig a little deeper. The solution would be to probably back off and not put that much pressure on the ball. But the fact remains, I still need to get in deeper to access other parts of the tissue.

And when doing that, a tennis ball will usually frey and crack. No bueno. Another detriment to the tennis ball, is that other than rolling on it - face down or up - or sandwiching it between you and a wall, there’s not much more you can do with it. Meaning, it’s hard to manipulate it in your hands while trying to massage your chest, neck, or biceps.

Where the Pnut can jump in and level-up your recovery, is by giving your body a more comfortable, ergonomic, positions to release muscle tension; especially while sitting down.

Let’s take another approach and say that you don't have sore muscles, or you have limited range in how you can move, what do you do? You could see a therapist. But not everyone has time for that, and other people have a strict “not being touched by strangers rule” (not that there's anything wrong with seeing a therapist, Mostafa is one, just that sometimes you need immediate relief, say while at your desk).

You could ask a friend or lover to give you a massage, but we all know they almost never find the right spot, nor do they use the right amount of pressure. Lastly, when you know how to fix something yourself there's always more satisfaction in that.

So my answer to you would be... you need a Pnut, or a Pnut XL (larger version). Either of these options will acutely target your deeper tissues, at your pace, with your preferred level of pressure.

It will take some time to learn how much pressure to apply and where. I’ll be the first to admit it, you could hurt yourself with a Pnut. Yet, you could also hurt yourself with just about any other object in this world…

It’s why you take it slow and learn what objects and tools are meant for. And, it’s why we are making these videos. To teach you that thePnut is a wonderful tool for bringing awareness to our tight and angry muscles.

Slowly teaching ourselves how to release them. While simultaneously unlearning poor posture habits and learning new ones to keep us healthy.

So please, abandon that tennis ball or foam roller that you are using. Instead, add a Pnut to your tool belt of mobility gadgets, so it can reduce, and possibly prevent injuries from occurring.

Now, GoNutz and Free Your Muscles.